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My trip in Paris

Day 1- Thursday

We woke up at 4:00am because we needed to catch our flight. But our flight was delayed and we took off after 5 hours. When we arrived in Paris we was really tired and we just went to our hotel and we went to sleep.

Day 2-Friday

Today we woke up late. After we went to the food booth for some croasiants for breakfast. When we were full we just went to the Eiffel Tower and to Louvre. I felt little bit bored there. After Louvre was about 3:00pm and we went to Lotherdam. It was beuatiful. I was excited. W went to hotel and went to sleep. (We was really tired.)

Day 3 - Saturday

This day we are having a great Frinch breakfast and I can't wait because we are going to DisneyLand. We are in DisneyLand all day. After shiw we are going to our hotel. We arrived at 11:00pm and we was really tired.

Day 4 - Sunday

Today we are going home bit it's in the evening so we are going to city centre and buying gifts for our fanily. Our flight was again delayed and we are boarding at 10:00pm. We land at 12:00 am but we land in Viena so we needed to ride another 1 hour and 30 minutes to home.

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Published: 3 months ago
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