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Bank se zvyšuje s návštěvností webu.

Po vypršení času bude bank rozdán.

Share your ideas with the world and earn a cash prize!
The higher your contribution to the web's traffic and readership, the higher your reward! The readership of your posts is expressed by the amount of unique visitors your posts (idea, debate, discussion, versus) attract. Unique visitors are recognized thanks to their IP addresses.
The portion of your readers out of the total readers of all posts on WINGI in the given period will determine your share of the reward. The aim of the contest is to bring WINGI to life. More active users means more contests with higher rewards!
The portion of your readers out of the total readers of all posts on WINGI in the given period will determine your share of the reward. The aim of the contest is to bring WINGI to life. More active users means more contests with higher rewards!
100 €
Contest period:
APRIL 2023