Excuse me for my use of this space for what could be described as "mind rubbish", but one man's trash is another man's treasure.
I often have fleeting ideas that I let pass over me because I felt it lacked substance, but I have also been learning lately that my perceptions aren't laser keen.
So I will experiment here with a little anthology based on dualistic topics that I feel I have outgrown, but nevertheless experience their themes coming to mind.
Carl Jung's "Red Book" Prompted this.
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They called it The Greatest Thing.
That little shimmering light that fluttered through the town
Each day.
The folks would scramble over each other,
With glass jars held high,
Desperate to catch it's residue.
By night, men and women would sit engrossed,
Feasting their senses on the shimmering dust.
A second feast, on its memory, a third,
A reminisce,
A fourth, a subtle sentiment.
The town turned to stone, when the light ran out.
Empty jars, still held tightly,
Each set of eyes stared still
Filling them with illusory visions
Churned once, twice, thrice.
Fading again each night.
The poor man had no jar.
Never clambered over for anything,
Not contested,
He only sought the source itself.
He followed The Greatest Thing
Wherever it went.
To follow real light, great pains at length.
It took him right out of town,
Never again to see a jar.
It took him away from family,
Made friendless, no company.
Focus on The Greatest Thing,
Like anything,
Long enough,
And everything else will fall away.
It seems like the poorest man,
Being poor,
Was already on his way.
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I have already started my own blog on Tumblr called Blue Is The Safest Colour.
I did not expect to be starting another one, but here we are. The opportunity has presented itself, and I allow myself to take writing opportunities with little trepidation currently.
I don't qiute know yet, what I would write specifically for this site, that I wouldn't write on my blog, but the niche shall reveal itself!
Welcome to Blue Is The Safest Colour.